Saturday, January 29, 2011

OPI and Katy Perry - Teenage Dream

I have a confession. I like Katy Perry's song Teenage Dream. Now I'm more of a grown-up alternabrat. I still have my Cure and the Smiths cassette tapes, my REM CDs, and I still get a twitch of excitement if I hear a Depeche Mode song on the radio. But I like the song.

The nail polish, on the other hand, the jury's still out on. I've discovered I'm not a light pink type of person. Pale and light colors tend to make my hands look short and stubby. I need darker colors on my hands. The color itself isn't bad. It's a very light pink jelly packed with silver glitter and larger holographic (!) hexagonal glitter pieces.

With flash - the holos really reflect well with a flash

No flash

I just didn't like it on my own hands. The polish itself was extremely thick. This manicure was two thick coats. It probably could have used another, but I didn't want to add another to it. It is also quite gritty, and needs a good topcoat of Seche Vite to attempt to even it out a bit.


No flash

I think I kept this on for slightly over 24 hours. I wanted it off. I've always had trouble getting off glitter polishes, so I wanted to try a new technique to take off the polish. Behold - the ingredients:

10 cotton balls, acetone and aluminum foil

I ripped the foil into 10 pieces, soaked each cotton ball in acetone, put them right on top of my nail and wrapped the whole thing in the foil. Then, I left this concoction on my nails for 10 minutes:

Oh, I looked silly indeed, the spitfire was laughing, but when I pulled those aluminum foil fingertips off, there wasn't a trace of glitter! It worked quite well. I highly suggest this technique for glitters.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


  1. i think the pink looks good on you!!! <3

  2. Thank you! I think I'm just not a pink person. Doesn't stop me from buying them, though!

  3. You know, that method works! I am constantly using acetone on the nails and am too lazy to wrap in foil. I will have to do that. It looks so much cleaner!

  4. I was really amazed how cleanly it came off! Plus, it made my son laugh as I chased him around the house with my tin foil fingers.


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